
Peculiar feelings of irregularity
Consume my thoughts and visions
At home despite the screens.

Apart from souls I’ve grown to love,
I wonder if I worship togetherness
Or a dream that is perfection.

My identity is wrapped too tightly
In the idea of being chosen,
And I cower from loneliness;

Terror that I will lose everything
That I hold dear and the fear
Clutches my mind with cold fingers.

Do I worship togetherness?
And yet my God is three-in-one,
Wrapped up in Father, Spirit, and Son.

It is time to loose these chains;
It is time to release my hold
On the ones I hold so close.

It is time to take my adoration
And turn it into praise of the One
Who has gifted us community.

We were never meant to be alone,
And we were never meant to walk
Along the paths of life without

But we were never meant to
Fill the cup in one another’s hearts
That is reserved for the Creator of

Together with Him,
And together are we.

Perfection will come with heaven.
For now, there is trust.
